4SQRP Group Second Sunday Sprint
AutoLog for July 2024

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Contest Results sorted by Score
1N4MJGlenn501040m K3EMS, KG5UK, W2SH. 20M W2SH, AA2VG
2W2SHCharles (aka Chas)317Activity was very skimpy. Worked AA5VE and N4MJ on 20m, and then N4MJ on 40m. Non-member W3PYF answered my 4S CQ to complain that I was using "his" frequency to call CQ POTA (parks on the air).
3KG5UKBrad102Local noise bad but dug out N4MJ for lone QSO!
4K3EMSJoe102Stayed on 40 with the QCX+, one contact. No takers for CQ 4S other than the nice folks at RBN.
5WG5FEd011Only 1 FT4 on 20M with non-member W4CHI. No other responses on 20M or 40M FT4. Tried 40CW but no response to CQ 4S. 2.5 watts on the QMX+ (working from home QTH in Tulsa with EFHW in the attic.)