Welcome to the FPqrp Club
WALK for the BACON (20 Meter Edition)
Autolog for July - 2024

Your Call:

W4NLT, Andy, VA, 5W fpqso1=5, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=1, Day_1_Total= 16 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=12, Day_2_Total= 12 , PigWalk20 Total: 28
Day 1 Not much action tonight KB9BVN, KT4WA, WB9HFK, N4QA AND KB8QPT. Hope for some more action tomorrow. Thanks for the QSOs. 72 Andy Oink Oink
Day 2 Band was long. Could see other piggies on the DX Cluster but couldn't hear them. Heard WV0H but he didn't hear me. Worked QRP FOX in CA and POTA in NV. Also heard OR, WA and AK.
72 Andy Oink Oink

WB9HFK, Mark, IL, 5W fpqso1=8, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 24 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 24
Day 1: Thanks to fellow Piggies W4KAC, N2TNN, W4NLT, KT4WA, KA2KGP, AA4NO, W2SH, and KK4ITX for the QSO's! I'm planning to be around for Day 2! 72, Mark WB9HFK oo

KT4WA, IZZY, FL, 5W fpqso1=3, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=3, Day_1_Total= 12 fpqso2=3, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=3, Day_2_Total= 12 , PigWalk20 Total: 24
Day 1 was a struggle due to thunderstorms in distance. Thanks to piggies KB9BVN/Brian, W4NLT/Andy, and WB9HFK/Mark for the QSOs.
Day 2 was just a plethora of QRN, but worked AA2YO/Gene, KF2P/Nick, and WD9EGW/Chuck. Was a challenge, had to chase Nick to confirm QSL. Had fun.72 OO

KB9BVN, Brian, IN, 5 fpqso1=6, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 18 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 18
USE QRPSPOTS.COM W4KAC-NC, W4NLT-VA, KT4WA-FL, AF4PS-FL, KN1H-NH, NX1K-MA - Got the first three just bing bang boom...then SLOW going...I hope tomorrow is better. QRT at 0058. Was unable to work second night....due to having to work at work.

AF4PS, Mac, FL, 5 w fpqso1=3, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=4, Day_1_Total= 13 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 13
Very nostalgic night for the ol K2! Tried my straight key (lisp included). Worked my friend Brian KB9BVNAND my HERO Dan N9IE. Lotsa noise, but signals were loud!

W4KAC, Ken, NC, 4.5 fpqso1=4, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 12 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 12
Lots of fun! Thanks all!

AA4N), Bill, NC, 4 fpqso1=3, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=1, Day_1_Total= 10 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 10
First Bacon Run in 20 years. Just getting back on the radio. Had storms in the area and QRN and QSB made for some tough copy but I was able to pull out a few. Call is AA4NO, Typo on log submit.

KK4ITX, John, ME, 5 fpqso1=2, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 6 fpqso2=1, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 3 , PigWalk20 Total: 9
Storms on the horizon made it a tough go but not too bad for 5w and 65ft of wire and in the woods too! Tnx Ken & Mark for picking me up.
#2 Night....The only signal I heard was from W4QDV way down in GA and I had been on 20m since 0100z looking for Foxii between 14.050 and 14.070 very carefully with no luck at all. So thanks Dave for my one QSO!

W4QDV, Dave, GA, 5 W fpqso1=2, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 6 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 6
I brave the nearby lightning strikes and got on the air. There were some ops sending CQ NA but the CQ FPs were scarce. Finally heard Sergio KB9QPT with a good signal out of Ohio. In the last few minutes, I sent CQ and was delighted to hear Pete NO2D. Thanks for the QSOs, friends! See you tomorrow if the storms cooperate.
Night 2 or "Starting Too Soon" wherein a not-actually-dyslexic pig started sending CQ an hour early... thank you John KK4ITX for alerting me that FP hadn't started yet, and for being my 1 second night QSO! 72, Dave

KB8QPT, Sergio T. Ruiz, OH, 5W fpqso1=2, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 6 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 6
I didn't hear any signals, so I called CQ. Ended up with two QSOs on day one: W4QDV (Dave) and W4NLT (Andy). At the end of the contest, SP3CW called as a non contest response. So I hit Poland on 5W.
Second night, I called CQ for about a half an hour, with no bites.
This was the first time using the new rig, Yeasu FT-710. I usually run the Electraft K2 for this.
Thanks all!

AA2YO, Gene, New Jersey, 5W fpqso1=0, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 0 fpqso2=1, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=1, Day_2_Total= 4 , PigWalk20 Total: 4
Day 1-Seriously bad wx here with lots of lightning. Didn't turn rig on. Day 2-Only worked piggie KT4WA, Izzy, in Florida and non-piggie K4LL also in Florida running 10w.

WD9EGW, Chuck, IL, 5W fpqso1=1, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 3 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 3
Pigs seemed scarce tonight in Central IL. Was sorry to lose K7PD to QSB before completing the exchange. Finally caught up with AA4NO after a couple tries that faded out. Thanks for hanging in there with me. Will try again tomorrow evening.
72, Chuck

N4QA, Bill, Virginia, TWO WATTS  fpqso1=1, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 3 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 3
Newby FP#-4939 here.
Correction to my log !
Worked only Andy, W4NLT not W3NLT, in Virginia FP#-3901 last night...great fun !
See y'all on forty meters tonight !
72 !
Bill, N4QA

Total Contest Entries: 13