Welcome to the FPqrp Club
WALK for the BACON (20 Meter Edition)
Autolog for March - 2025

Your Call:

WB0CJB, Paul, TN, 5W fpqso1=5, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=3, Day_1_Total= 18 fpqso2=2, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 6 , PigWalk20 Total: 24
The first night I worked KF6NCX, W3WAG, KA2KGP, W4NLT, KC5GWU, and non-FP KC0CCR, AA2YO, and AF5Z. After 30 minutes I switched over and participated in the NAQCC sprint. Thanks to W4NLT and AA2YO for the NAQCC contacts! Night two I worked KC5GWU and K0GWR. Thanks to all and see you in the next sprint! Rig 7300 and 6BTV. 72 oo de Paul WB0CJB

WB9HFK, Mark, IL, 5W fpqso1=5, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=2, Day_1_Total= 17 fpqso2=1, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=1, Day_2_Total= 4 , PigWalk20 Total: 21
Day 1: I was about 20 minutes late arriving in the Pigpen this evening. Thanks to fellow Pigs AA2YO, KF6NCX, W3WAG, W4NLT and KB1M and non-Piggies KN2G and K9EYT for the QSO's! I'll be looking for everyone on Day 2! 72, Mark WB9HFK oo
Day 2: Pretty lonely evening. Thanks to fellow Piggie K0GWR and non-Piggie VA7AGH for my only 2 QSO's! RBN was reporting that I had good signals to the West Coast area - just little activity it seems. See everyone next time! 72, Mark WB9HFK oo

W4NLT, Andy, VA, 5W fpqso1=2, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=6, Day_1_Total= 12 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 12
Day 1- Only 2 FP QSOs before heading to the NAQCC Sprint. Then I got 6 NA QSOs in the FP event time on 20M which I'll count as non-FP QSOs. That legal??? 72 Andy Oink Oink
Day 2- That was disappointing. Heard WB0CJB, KC5GWU, WU7F and K0GWR around the noise level but they didn't hear my calls.
72 Andy Oink Oink

AA2YO, Gene, New Jersey, 5 W fpqso1=3, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 9 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 9
Day 1 - Signals were strong from the midwest tonight but there was a lot of QRM from the NA stations here. Thanks to piggies WB0CJB, WB9HFK and K4BAI for the contacts. Heard several other piggies but they were all working WB0CJB who had a really strong signal here. Day 2 - Band was open but very long. I was seeing lots of RBN spots in Great Britain but not many in the US. I know there were piggies out there as I saw WB9HFK, W4NLT and WB0CJB spots but couldn't her them in NJ.

KF6NCX, Larry Mitchell, CA, 5w fpqso1=3, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 9 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 9
Thanks very much for the three qsos this evening! I was very pleased to make them. Still quite new to qrp, I'm amazed when 5w takes me a good ways across the country. This evening, I was very happy to hear and work Paul in TN, WB0CJB, calling CQ FP, right after 0000Z. He had a very loud signal here in CA although it faded some with QSB. Very happy, too for qsos with Mark, WB9HFK, in IL, and then with Jim, KC5GWU, in NM, right at the end of the hour. I feel like I was helped by having my Buddihex set up for this pig walk. It won't be up next month, so I'll see if I can do as well with my efhw antenna! Thanks again. Oink Oink

KC5GWU, Jim Lawrence, NM, 5w fpqso1=1, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 3 fpqso2=1, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 3 , PigWalk20 Total: 6
Linked up with Larry, KF6NCX, making this evening a success! KNWD Trio TS-130v
ready to find more bacon tomorrow night.
WB0CJB heard my call, making the evening.

K0GWR, Gil, CO, 5 fpqso1=0, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 0 fpqso2=2, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 6 , PigWalk20 Total: 6
Sure would be more fun with more piggies. Thanks to WB9HFK and WB0CJB for being there.

Total Contest Entries: 7