Welcome to the FPqrp Club
WALK for the BACON (20 Meter Edition)
Autolog for February - 2025

Your Call:

WB9HFK, Mark, IL, 5W fpqso1=12, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=1, Day_1_Total= 37 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 37
Day 1: A very nice 1 hour of QRP! 20M was in pretty good condition! Fellow FP Members in the Log - W4NLT, AA2YO, KO4BHX, K1SWL, K6FA, KF4LMZ, KT4WA, N5KMZ, KM3STU, KB2GKC, N5GW and W7YV. Also thanks to non-Piggie KK7FIM for a QSO!
72, Mark WB9HFK oo
Day 2: Well - I was on from 0200 to 0230Z and nothing heard. RBN was showing spots in the Western US and Canada, however.
72, Mark WB9HFK 00

WB0CJB, Paul, TN, 5W fpqso1=9, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=3, Day_1_Total= 30 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 30
Day 1 was awesome! I worked FP members AA2YO, K6FA, W4NLT, N5KMZ, KB2GKC, K1SWL, N3AZB, KM3STU, and VE3TEF; non-FP were K7ZAD, KC0CCR, and WA2EDJ. Day 2 the trough was empty. I called for 50 minutes and never heard an oink. Rig was an Elecraft K2 to a 6BTV. Thanks to all! 72 oo de Paul WB0CJB

K9QEW, Daryl, IL, 5 fpqso1=8, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 24 fpqso2=1, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 3 , PigWalk20 Total: 27
Day 1 Band activity and condx good. Day 2 poor activity and
72/73s & STAY TUNED! Daryl OO

K6FA, David, CA, 5w fpqso1=7, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 21 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 21
Been a long time since operating FP. Was fun. K3 at 5 watts

W4NLT, Andy, VA, 5W fpqso1=5, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 15 fpqso2=1, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=1, Day_2_Total= 4 , PigWalk20 Total: 19
Day 1 - Band seemed quiet here but managed to get WB9HFK, WB0CJB, K9QEW, KT4WA and my DX station K6FA. David had a nice signal on the right coast. Thanks for the QSOs. Hope more action tomorrow. 72 Andy OO
Day 2 - That was frustrating. Could only work Ken K5KGK. Only heard his CQ later too. Worked a FOX to keep going. Looked at the dx cluster and there were piggies out there but none to work. 72 Andy Oink Oink

KO4BHX, Ben, NC, 3.5 fpqso1=4, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=1, Day_1_Total= 13 fpqso2=2, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 6 , PigWalk20 Total: 19
Fun! First night conditions were very good, WB9HFK, K9QEW, N5GW and K5KGK, and one non-piggie WB9AKM answered my CQ. Second night conditions much harder, K5KGK again then called CQ for a long time, thanks to KT4WA for persisting many times through the QSB, finally solid copy. I am a new member and this was my first Walk for the bacon. Hope to cuagn next time.
72s Ben ko4bhx

AA2YO, Gene, New Jersey, 5 W fpqso1=6, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 18 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 18
Band was in excellent condition in SWNJ this evening, low static and long. Thanks to piggies WB0CJB. WB9HFK, K6FA, K5KGK, K9QEW and N5GW for the contacts. WB0CJB had a fantastic signal this evening into SWNJ. Day-2 Band was in good shape again for this late in the evening but only heard one piggie. Thanks to Ken, K5KGK, for my only contact of the evening.

K5KGK, Ken, TX, 5W fpqso1=3, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 9 fpqso2=3, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 9 , PigWalk20 Total: 18
Day 1: Got 3 piggies tonight, K9QEW, AA2YO, and KO4BHX. Thanks everyone for the fun event! 72, oo Ken
Day 2: 3 piggies again tonight, W4NLT, KO4BHX, and AA2YO. Tried calling CQ, but QSB became too bad. Thanks to everyone, it's always enjoyable! 72, 00 Ken K5KGK

KT4WA, Izzy, FL, 5w fpqso1=3, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 9 fpqso2=2, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 6 , PigWalk20 Total: 15
Had a late start today cause our SKYWARN/ARES local net. Managed to corral WB9HFK, K6FA, and W4NLT. Looking forward to tomorrow night. 72 OO
DAY 2 was quite a challenge. The band was quite noisy. Only managed to corral WS9E, and after numerous attempts managed to catch KO4BHX.. chased W4NLT, but couldnt catch him. Was fun. Will be squealing next month. OO

N3AZB, Dennis, MD, 5 watts fpqso1=3, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 9 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 9
Day One: My keying was lousy tonight. I thank Daryl, K9QEW, Jim, VE1KM, and Paul, WB0CJB for putting up with me.

WX4RM, Ron, NC, 5 Watts fpqso1=3, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 9 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 9
Was glad to work KB2GKC, K1SWL, and K6FA.

KF4LMZ, Pat, SC, 5 fpqso1=2, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 6 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 6
K2 @ 5W to a doublet. Thanks to WB9HFK & K9QEW for the contacts! OO

KM3STU, Stuart, NJ,  fpqso1=2, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 6 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 6
worked WB9HFK and WB0CJB

N5KMZ, Gary, OK, 5w fpqso1=2, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 6 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 6
My first time to walk, had fun! Thanks to WB0CJB and WB9HFK for your patience.

WS9E, Joe, WI, 5W fpqso1=0, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 0 fpqso2=2, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 6 , PigWalk20 Total: 6
I got on Thursday and made two contacts: Bob, KO9V and Izzy, KT4WA. I did not hear anyone else. Signals were weak and the band was noisy.
Thanks for the contacts.

N4BIY, Lin Ingram, 4550, 5 fpqso1=1, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 3 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk20 Total: 3
Worked K9QEW. Good band conditions. 5w with KX3 and dipole

Total Contest Entries: 16