Welcome to the FPqrp Club
WALK for the BACON (40 Meter Edition)
Autolog for March - 2025

Your Call:

WB9HFK, Mark , IL, 5W fpqso1=12, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=2, Day_1_Total= 38 fpqso2=9, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=2, Day_2_Total= 29 , PigWalk40 Total: 67
Day 1: QRN a bit high this evening. Thanks to Members K9QEW, AA2YO, KA8HDE, KT4WA, K4EGK, VE3MRX, W0ITT, WB0CJB, W4QDV, WX4RM, K4BAI and W5TTA for the QSO's! Also, thanks to KC5GWU and KD7RH for the non-Member QSO's! I plan to be hanging around 7115 khz or so tomorrow at 0200Z. 72, Mark WB9HFK oo
Day 2: It's always an adventure operating above 7100 khz. Last evening was no different - dodging SSB and Data signals. Thanks to fellow Piggies WB0CJB, W9DWR, W0ITT, K9QHO/4, KT4WA, VE3DPC, WX4RM, KG5GWU and KI5CAW for the QSO's! And to AC5P and KD7RH for the non Member QSO's! 72, Mark WB9HFK oo

WB0CJB, Paul, TN, 5W fpqso1=7, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=1, Day_1_Total= 22 fpqso2=8, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 24 , PigWalk40 Total: 46
Night 1 I worked fellow piggies W5TTA, KT4WA, K9QEW, W0ITT, WX4RM, WB9HFK, K4BAI, and non-FP WA4MXT. Night 2 I worked WB9HFK, KT4WA, W9DWR, W0ITT, K9QHO/4, KF4LMZ, VE3DPC, and KI5CAW. Night 2 was definitely tougher with the phone and digital QRM. Thanks to those who stuck with me through the QRM.
Rig was an Elecraft K2 (night 1) and an IC 7300 (night 2) both into a 6BTV vertical. 72 es oo Paul WB0CJB

WX4RM, RON, NC, 5 Watts fpqso1=5, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 15 fpqso2=6, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 18 , PigWalk40 Total: 33
Had fun tonight working K9QEW Daryl, WB0CJB Paul, W3JJB John, WB9HFK Mark, and N4QA/4 Bill.
72 and OINK OINK!
Night 2 worked K9QEW and WB9HFK both sessions.
Also glad to work VE3DPC,KI5CAW, KC5GWU, and KT4WA.
Conditions seemed better tonight, except for the digital signals that kept popping up during QSO.

KT4WA, Izzy, FL, 5W fpqso1=4, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 12 fpqso2=4, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 12 , PigWalk40 Total: 24
Day 1: Band was a little noisy but managed to corral Paul/WB0CJB, Mark/WB9HFK, Dave/W4QDV, and Bill/N4QA/4. Hope to catch you again tomorrow night. de Izzy/KT4WA OO
Day 2: The band was noisy again, and the challenge of digital and SW stations on 40m made it more thrilling.. Thanks to Mark/WB9HFK, Paul/WB0CJB, Daryl/K9QEW, and new one (for me) Ron/WX4RM. Hope I dont miss the other runs cause of time change 😆. 72 de Izzy/KT4WA OO

K9QEW, Daryl, IL, 5 fpqso1=4, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 12 fpqso2=4, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 12 , PigWalk40 Total: 24

N4QA/4, Bill, NC, 4 watts fpqso1=4, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 12 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk40 Total: 12
Fun nite !
Worked Izzy, KT4WA
Ron, WX4RM,
John, K4BAI
72 es OINK OINK !
Also worked Gene, AA2YO
Nil heard around 7123 KHz Thursday night !
No OINKAGE atoll ! 72

VE3DPC, Dave, ON, 5W fpqso1=0, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 0 fpqso2=4, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 12 , PigWalk40 Total: 12
I always try to find the time! This is a challenge for my low 40m dipole...I need to get it higher!!!
No need to 'squeal about it, just do it but there is 3-4 feet of snow in my backward!!!
Thanks for the patience ops of WB9HFK, WX4RM, W9DWR, WB0CJB
I managed 4 fpqsos
Yes the digital signals were annoying...I find my RIT helped me out...running a IC-705 and I'm still learning after I sold my 7300
72 oo

AA2YO, Gene, New Jersey, 5 W fpqso1=3, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 9 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk40 Total: 9
Day1 - Conditions terrible in SWNJ this evening. Band was very noisy and lots of fast and deep QSB. A big storm passed through the area right before the beginning of the Pig Walk. Thanks to WB9HFK, N4QA/4 and W4QDV for the contacts. Thanks to K9QEW for the try. You were strong to start but quickly faded into the noise. Also heard K2PHD and new member, VA3CJW, but could not establish contact. Day2 - Did not make it home in time. See you next month.

W5TTA, Rebecca, TX, 5W fpqso1=3, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 9 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk40 Total: 9
Bagged 3 thanks to oinkers WB0CJB, KA8HDE, and WB9HFK. Apologies for the sloppy sending--got flummoxed when the vari-speed flopped over on my bug and it took me a few tries to get it back in order. Day2: Sadly, too much QRM in the pen to play

W4QDV, Dave, GA, 5w fpqso1=3, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 9 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk40 Total: 9
Not the best conditions--QSB, QRN but was fortunate to find KT4WA "Izzy" in FL, WB9HFK "Mark" in IL, and AA2YO "Gene" in NJ. Thanks for the QSOs, friends! OO .. Dave

KD7RH, Robert Hall (Bob), Arizona, 5 w fpqso1=1, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 3 fpqso2=2, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 6 , PigWalk40 Total: 9
This is my second time trying your contest, and I have enjoyed it very much.
I am running an IC-705 at 5 Watts into a JK 2 element beam at 60 Ft.

KI5CAW, Dave, spc?, 5 watts fpqso1=0, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 0 fpqso2=3, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 9 , PigWalk40 Total: 9
Lots of QRM from SSB signals

K4BAI, JOHN, GA, 5W fpqso1=3, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 9 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk40 Total: 9
Had about 10 minutes on the first night. Got three FP member QSOs and one who called after the bell chimed. Sounded like good activity. 73/72, John, K4BAI.

KC5GWEU, jim, nm, 5w fpqso1=1, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 3 fpqso2=1, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=1, Day_2_Total= 4 , PigWalk40 Total: 7
Rig Knwd Trio TS130v 5 w horizontal loop 80m ant J-38 sk
Day 1 band a bit ruff. I was pleased Mark WB9HFK was there and NM to IL qso panned out!
Day 2 band pretty gud, but SSB prevalent. Again, Mark WB9HFK was out there, calling CQ in the "open spots" -- Solid QSO. Also had nice QSO with non-pig Bob KD7RH. CU folks nxt month! Jim KC5GWU oo

KA8HDE, Chuck Stroud, MN, 5 fpqso1=2, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 6 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk40 Total: 6

KF4LMZ, Patrick, SC, 5W fpqso1=0, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 0 fpqso2=1, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 3 , PigWalk40 Total: 3
Lots of QRN here. I only managed one contact, but it was fun none the less! Thanks to WB0CJB for your patience and for pulling me out of the noise. Running an Index Labs QRP+ to a doublet. 72, Patrick KF4LMZ OO

KF6NCX, Larry Mitchell, CA, 5w fpqso1=0, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=1, Day_1_Total= 1 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk40 Total: 1
This was my first attempt at a Flying Pigs event. Operated from 0000 to 0030 only on Wednesday (or was it actually the start of Thursday?). My one contact was with my son, Jevon, k6ylh, who lives about 200 miles south of me. He knew I'd be on so sought me out. I heard two other stations on the band between 7.050 and 7.065, but their signals were too faint for me to copy. 73, Larry
TS-590SG, EFHW works 10 through 80

KC5GWU, jim lawrence, nm, 5w fpqso1=0, dxqso1=0, nonfpqso1=0, Day_1_Total= 0 fpqso2=0, dxqso2=0, nonfpqso2=0, Day_2_Total= 0 , PigWalk40 Total: 0

Total Contest Entries: 18